Review: Horixon feat Robert Owens - Brighter Day

Yawn…yet another poor Robert Owens re-edit released….. Or so I thought. When flicking through the glut of promos that land daily in my inbox I came across; “Brighter Day” by Horixon Featuring Robert Owens.
Expecting the worst, imagine my surprise when not only was I treated to a completely fresh production it was actually VERY good indeed!
I’ll hold my hands up and say in shame that I have never heard of Horixon before today. A London based collective, Andrew Armstrong & Joe Sambrooke who “fell” into producing through no more than a pure love for music and wanting to have some fun with music production.
This really shows in the music and as it turns out (in my humble opinion) they have created one of the best original tracks of recent memory, featuring the legendary voice of Mr Robert Owens. With a release date; 22/09/2014 these chaps are ones to watch!