Star Trek - The Next Generation
When I was a kid I used to hate my dad & my big brother taking over the TV to watch Star Trek The Next Generation every night of the week..i’d often tell then they was watching “nerd shit” then storm off sulking cos I couldn’t watch Crystal Maze.
So not sure what prompted me to start making my way through all 7 seasons (26 episodes in each!) after my youthful distaste, maybe its one of those getting older things like starting to enjoy the taste of wine over lager…but nonetheless I dived in to go boldly where I had never before and you know what? I’m enjoying the ride! On the occasions I had watched it with Dad & big bro I found it to be like a sci-fi version of Casualty in that the dialogue sounds like it would only mean anything to somebody in that trade…and I still do think that now but just let it go over my head and enjoy the questionable knitwear on people in the background or ‘futuristic’ getups on the occupants of alien planets they beam down to (usually looking like something from a fetish club). |
One thing I always enjoyed was the intro music which stems from Jerry Goldsmith’s score from the original Star Trek The Motion Picture and its still a pleasure to hear it at the start of each episode without then going up to my bedroom once its finished! A regular thought I got whilst watching it was that Patrick Stewart must have been born at 50 years old and with a receding hairline as I’ve never seen him in any film looking any different, even in Dune! Oh & speaking of hairlines, the foreheads of the Klingons still look like a Readers Wives centre spread from an early 80’s copy of Razzle…oh and the phasers that everyone is armed with look like a either a Netflix remote control or a small dustbuster and look about as cool & threatening as a twig…but hey ho, Star Trek never really was colonial marines taking down xenomorphs. |