Review: Moscoman - A Shot In The Light - ESP Institute
In a review of Moscoman’s recent single, “Mexican Cola Bottle Baby”, we suggested that he’s on something of a roll at the moment. Well, his album, A Shot in the Light, recently arrived at Numb HQ and has proved us to be possessed of exactly the same kind of powers as psychics and astrologers… pretend to have.
With this in mind, we’ve adopted a horoscope format for this review in the hope that this will give you clear guidance and help you decide whether you should buy it*. *You should definitely buy it Nineteen Eighty-Two
You will encounter steel drums (or an approximation thereof) drenched in enough reverb and echo to allow them to linger, like audio aftershocks. Don’t worry though, there’s soon enough bass to prop it all up and keep the weight off your shoulders. Spirit animal: Stoat Silent Thunder Events might make you feel like you’re drowning – That’s just the 10-fathoms-deep track doing what it needs to. Any deep-house worries should be ignored, it’s just a simple case of drilling right down to the foundations to give everything a solid bass to work on. Spirit animal: Squid Mexican Cola Bottle Baby Now is the time to forget any worries life might throw at you, unleash your inner child and have some uncomplicated fun. Don’t think to hard about it, just go with the flow and you’ll reap the rewards. That sense of reckless abandon? Own it! Spirit animal: Moomin Chickpea It may prove tricky to find your groove at first – like you’re tapping your feet but never quite going the full shoulder roll. Relax, and let the anticipation build and enjoy the ride. Sometimes life’s about the journey, not the destination. Spirit animal: Chicken Losing my Wedge Ever felt like you’re listening to an increasingly insistent liquid acid trickle while someone hammers away at a typewriter? Like William Burroughs, you should embrace new experiences. Except shooting a glass of water off someone’s head. Don’t do that. Spirit animal: Chameleon A Shot in the Light Some unexpectedly affecting synths will appear to bathe you in a celestial light comprised of sound alone. You’re not usually the trusting sort but, in the background, someone will do their absolute best to keep you from falling over by providing a handrail comprised of nothing but bass and drums. Spirit animal: Snow Leopard Maltese Duck Remember last year, when Man Power’s debut LP aligned with Juno? Well, this is reminiscent of that, though very much its own beast. You will feel content and at peace, but this is no time to relax – you should be dancing. Spirit animal: Duck – obviously Death at the Funeral You may be a worrier, but events will show you that death is nothing to be scared of. It may signal the end of a wonderful ride, but it is also an important event in itself – one where everything aligns. All of the aspects to Moscoman are in our orbit here, and yet nothing ever gets in the way or dominates. Spirit animal: Wolf Barney Harsent